New Music for Wind Ensemble and Chamber Ensembles


ID: SM-000190941
КомпозиторAmanda McCullough
ИздательAmanda McCullough
Год создания 2011
Жанр Классика / Инструментальная
Инструменты Орган, Флейта, Флейта пикколо, Кларнет, Фагот, Гобой, Тромбон бас, Эуфониум, Валторна, Тромбон, Труба, Туба, Контрабас, Малый барабан, Литавры, Тарелки, Там-там, Контрафагот, Большой барабан, Бас-кларнет, Саксофон альт, Саксофон тенор, Саксофон баритон, Контрабас-кларнет, Контральт кларнет
Состав исполнителейОркестр медных и деревянных духовых, Ансамбль духовых инструментов, Симфонический духовой оркестр
Тип нотПартитура
Время звучания 8'40"
Уровень сложности Выше среднего
Описание Ares is inspired by a combination of Mars from Gustav Holst’s The Planets and the video game God of War—specifically the moment when Kratos (the main character) climbs up the hill overlooking Athens to see Ares (the God of war in Greek mythology) destroying it.

Ares was the first piece I wrote using sustained tone clusters which in this piece create the creepy metal grating on metal effect in the middle of the piece.

Ares is written in three parts. The first and the last section is slow and heavy while the middle section represents a battle scene. One of the motives throughout the piece is a sixteenth note/dotted eighth note rhythm with emphasis on the dotted eighth, which is contrary to how it would naturally be played. This motive is passed around various voices from the flutes to the timpani, starting in the trumpets, as if calling warriors to battle. Throughout the battle scene, the Dies Irae theme can be heard in the brass and piccolo. This is the same Dies Irae theme that Berlioz uses in his Symphonie Fantastique.

The use of the organ in Ares to reinforce the sound of the brass and low reeds, particularly during the battle scene, as they act as a pedal underneath the rest of the ensemble. While the organ is highly recommended, it isn't necessary to perform the piece.
Дата публикации 10.09.2013
Всего скачиваний 29

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